Erica Synths
Erica Synths Desktop Bassline DB-01|桌面 合成器|TB-303
Erica Synths Desktop Bassline DB-01|桌面 合成器|TB-303
From basslines and rave sounds to massive drones and drums - the Erica Synths Bassline DB-01 synthesizer lets you explore new territories of sound and performance techniques and go from a melody to noise and back in no time. The DB-01 packs an analogue Erica Synths signature sound engine with an advanced sequencer on top of it.
无论是合成优美的贝斯线与电子风格主奏音色,还是创造震撼的持续音与打击乐音色,Bassline DB-01皆得心应手 – 赶紧跟随Erica Synths Bassline DB-01一起探索声音艺术的未来吧,在悦耳旋律和狂野噪音之间游曳徜徉,感受幻化多变的音色。DB-01不仅搭载了Erica Synths 的招牌模拟声音引擎,还额外配备了一个功能先进的音序器,堪称技术与艺术的完美结合。
✿ All analogue sound engine
✿ Aggresive acidbox filter design
✿ One knob overdrive for even more destructive sound
✿ Transistor based sub-oscillator
✿ Independent amplitude, filter cutoff and pitch envelopes
✿ BBD based detune for massive swarm sound
✿ Syncable LFO with multiple waveforms for FM and VCF modulation
✿ Noise source
✿ Intuitive, easy to use sequencer for up to 64 step patterns
✿ Sequence transposing
✿ Pattern randomization
✿ Arpeggiator
✿ Modulation track with VCF cutoff automation
✿ Built in and user defined scales with micro tonal possibilities
✿ Analogue clock in and out
✿ CV/Gate output/input
✿ MIDI IN and THRU – play it with a keyboard!
✿ 8 banks of 16 pattern memory
✿ Compact, durable aluminium enclosure
✿ 纯模拟电路声音引擎
✿ 极具侵略性的Acidbox风格滤波效果器
✿ 一键过载旋钮,可以创造更为夸张的音色
✿ 采用晶体管构造的次级振荡器
✿ 振幅、滤波器截止频率、音高包络线均具有独立的包络线
✿ 基于BBD电路的失谐效果,能够营造弘大的声音氛围
✿ 具备多种可选波形,能够与时钟同步的低频振荡器,可用于调制FM合成器参数和压控滤波效果器参数
✿ 噪声发生器
✿ 界面直观且极易上手的64步音序器
✿ 音序器具备转调功能
✿ 音序器具备随机化功能
✿ 音序器具备琶音器功能
✿ 音序器可用于控制滤波效果器的截止频率,并进行自动化处理
✿ 内置多种预设音阶并支持用户自定义音阶 (可微调音分)
✿ 配有模拟时钟输入与输出接口
✿ 配有CV/Gate输入与输出接口
✿ 配有MIDI输入与直通接口 – 可外接MIDI键盘进行演奏!
✿ 提供8组,每组16步音序的内置储存空间
✿ 坚固耐用且设计精巧的铝制壳体