Roland S-1 Tweak Synth 掌上合成器
Roland S-1 Tweak Synth 掌上合成器
Divine a new world of sound with the S-1 Tweak Synthesizer, a potent micro polysynth inspired by the legendary Roland SH-101. Jam with the snappy basses and expressive leads you’ve loved for years. Then launch your music into uncharted territory with futuristic wave manipulation, onboard sequencing, and unique performance features designed for modern creators. With its inspiring hands-on controls and intuitive workflow, the powerful S-1 delivers a fun and satisfying experience for beginners and serious synth adventurers alike.
S-1 复古合成器,承袭自 Roland SH-101 传奇设备,是一款功能强大的迷你多复音合成器。随时随地开启即兴 Jam 和探索全新的音乐创作之旅。通过未来感满满的波形操控、板载音序编辑和专为现代创作者设计的独特演奏方式,尽情探索未知的创作领域。S-1 有趣又激动人心的实时手动操控和直观易懂的工作流,让无论是合成器初学者还是专业玩家都可以享受趣味盎然的创作体验。
The S-1 merges retro spirit and advanced capabilities in a pocket-size package you can take anywhere. Our evolving Analog Circuit Behavior (ACB) tech provides the authentic tone and response of the SH-101, an iconic ’80s monosynth embraced for its characterful sound and simple, direct-access panel. Extending the original’s design with four-voice polyphony and a slate of innovative features for next-level music creation, the S-1 makes it easy for musicians at any level to explore the power of synthesis through a friendly, uncomplicated interface.
S-1 合成器将复古的声音与全新功能和操控融合到口袋大小的迷你设备中,让您随时随地可以享受音乐、记录灵感和随心演绎。Roland 备受赞誉的模拟电路行为 (ACB) 技术真实再现了 SH-101 的音色和响应,这款标志性的单复音合成器于 80 年代首次推出,因其充满个性的音色和简单直观的操作面板而备受青睐。支持四复音的 S-1 迷你合成器增加了一系列新功能,在 SH-101 的经典设计上进一步拓展,为现代音乐创作配备了更先进的功能。无论是初学者还是专业玩家,都可以通过简单直观、直观的界面探索这款强大而有趣的合成器。
Loaded with expressive tactile controls, the S-1 is a sound design and performance powerhouse in miniature. Create lavish tones with oscillator, envelope, filter, and LFO sections. Dive into deeper design tools with quick combo button presses. Adjust effects using dedicated knobs. And with 26 multi-function pads, you have access to a keyboard with a two-plus octave range, a step sequencer interface, and a wealth of creative options to spark fresh ideas.
能装进口袋的 S-1 搭载了表现力十足的控件组合,随时随地用指尖操控万千变化的音色设计世界。使用振荡器、包络、滤波器和 LFO 来塑造丰富的细节,通过便捷组合键进一步探索音色设计工具,并借助专用的旋钮调节各种效果。此外,您可以自由操作 26 个多功能触垫,尽情探索不同工具,包括两个八度的音符输入、步进音序器以及更多激发创作灵感的选项。
The S-1 is primed to push classic SH tones into new dimensions. Build from square, saw, sub, and noise oscillators and mono, poly, unison, and chord modes. Or craft custom waveshapes on the step pads using the powerful OSC Draw function. OSC Chop unlocks even more harmonic potential, allowing you to cut waveforms into sections and explore a labyrinth of metallic timbres. Then top off your tones by using the noise oscillator as an independent riser to add sweeps and pulsing sound effects.
SH 合成器的经典音色设计能力在小巧的 S-1 上焕发新的生机。随时随地从基础的方波、锯齿波、噪声和副振荡器(低音)开始塑造音色;可以选择 Mono, Poly, Unison 和 Chord 多种模式;使用振荡器绘制功能(OSC Draw)在 Step 触垫上定制只属于您的波形变化;使用振荡器切分(OSC Chop)功能释放更多谐波潜力,可将波形切割成段,尽情探索各式各样的金属音色;使用噪声作为独立 Riser,增加扫频和脉冲感,设计更加丰富的音色。
Create compelling music in moments with the S-1’s 64-step sequencer and 64 patterns. Record live with the onboard keyboard or switch to step mode for detailed note entry and editing. Use motion recording to animate patterns with panel control tweaks or set parameter values for individual steps. Then delve into probability settings for randomization, sub steps for rapid-fire rhythms, and other features like velocity, shuffle, portamento, and more to bring your music to life.
S-1 搭载 64-Step 步进式音序器,和 64 个 Pattern 样式存储,即刻记录灵感瞬间。使用板载的音符触垫键盘实时录制,或切换到步进模式进行详细的音符输入与编辑。使用动态记录功能,用面板操控和独立 step 的参数设置为 Pattern 增加变化感。还可以通过深入设置概率变化带来更多随机性的惊喜,编辑 Sub-step 获得快速节奏的律动,或编辑力度、Shuffle、滑音等,为您的音乐增添更多色彩。
The S-1 is packed with features to inspire dynamic performances. Get physical with D-Motion to create compelling sound changes simply by moving the synth. Pop on the arpeggiator for cascading musical moments. Trigger the Step Loop function for live fills and on-the-fly rhythmic improv. And transpose patterns with just a few quick touches to instantly add harmonic richness to your jams.
S-1 搭载了多种专为舞台而生的功能和操控,便捷又趣味十足。使用 D-Motion 体感控制,通过移动和旋转机身,轻松创作有趣的音色变化;使用琶音器快速铺设丰富的乐句内容;触发 Step Loop 功能,随时增添生动的加花和即兴律动变奏。在现场表演时,几步操作便可轻松为 Pattern 移调,增加和声的丰富性。
Enhance your sonic palette with a wide selection of classic Roland effects. Add shimmering dimension with lush choruses derived from the iconic JUNO and JX-3P synths. Introduce spaciousness and movement with manual and tempo-synced delays. Then envelop your sounds with studio-grade reverb effects and a variety of adjustable parameters.
S-1 合成器搭载了多种 Roland 经典效果,使用源自 JUNO 和 JX-3P 合成器的经典合唱效果来丰富声音体量;或通过手动操作和曲或速同步的延迟效果引入宽广的空间和动态;用录音室级的混响效果和多种可调参数进一步提升您的音色表现力。
The S-1 has all the connectivity you need to sync with your musical world. Link up with other AIRA Compacts like the T-8 Beat Machine, J-6 Chord Synthesizer, and E-4 Voice Tweaker to create a portable creative juggernaut. Interface with computer DAWS and mobile music apps via USB-C. Or use the S-1 and its MIDI I/O as a standalone sound module in a larger performance rig.
S-1 复古合成器拥有强大的连接能力,可以和多种设备进行联动,不仅与 AIRA Compacts 系列 T-8 节奏鼓机、J-6 和弦合成器以及 E-4 人声效果器可组成便携的创意工坊,更可以通过 USB-C 与计算机 DAW 软件和移动端音乐 App 连接。S-1 还可以通过 MIDI I/O 接口,作为独立的音源模块在更多大型现场配置中绽放光彩。
The S-1 is ready to deliver instant inspiration anytime and anywhere. The lithium-ion battery provides up to 4.5 hours of runtime per charge, while the rugged Roland build will support you through years of musical journeys.
小巧便携的 S-1 合成器能随时随地为您提供灵感。锂电池续航长达 4.5 小时,Roland 牢固可靠的品质可陪伴您进行持久的音乐探索。