Erica Synths
Erica Synths SYNTRX II |纯模拟桌面合成器| EMS Synthi AKS
Erica Synths SYNTRX II |纯模拟桌面合成器| EMS Synthi AKS
Based on lessons learned from the SYNTRX, we decided to create an instrument that would integrate even deeper into contemporary electronic and experimental music setups and cover sonic territory from daunting drones to powerful basslines and glitched noisescapes - the SYNTRX II is a new dark horse for experimental sonic rides.
在SYNTRX大获成功之后,我们在其基础上打造出了这款全新的乐器SYNTRX II。该乐器专为现代电子音乐与实验音乐而生,可用于制作狂野深沉的持续音音乐(Drone)、摄人心肺的低音线(Bassline)、以及错综繁复的故障音乐(Glitch) - SYNTRX II如同一匹从黑暗中奔腾而出的黑马,带领世人踏上声音探索之旅。
✿ Two perfectly stable main oscillators with CV-controlled waveforms
✿ Modulation oscillator with variable waveforms
✿ Highpass and Lowpass filters in series
✿ Free running or gate synced sample and hold circuit
✿ Multi-color noise generator
✿ DC coupled instrument inputs with signal inversion and envelope follower
✿ Ring modulator of unique design
✿ Looping trapezoid envelope generator and VCA
✿ Two output VCAs
✿ Signal meter with a dedicated audio/CV output
✿ FX section with great sounding Delay and Reverb developed in collaboration with
✿ Recordable Joystick
✿ Analogue patch matrix with 3 attenuation levels in each patch point
✿ 254 patch memory
✿ Piano roll sequencer and two stepper modulation sources
✿ DIN5 MIDI Input and MIDI Thru
✿ Two assignable outputs
✿ Headphone output
✿ Dimensions: 309mm x 457mm x 115mm (with the joystick in centre position)
✿ Weight: 3.9 kg
✿ 两块非常稳定的主振荡器,且带有CV控制的波形变形功能
✿ 一块带有可变波形功能的调制用振荡器
✿ 信号串联的高通滤波效果器及低通滤波效果器
✿ 配有可在内部时钟(Free)和开关信号(Gate)之间切换的采样保持电路(Sample&Hold)电路
✿ 可生成各种风格噪声的噪声生成器
✿ 带有信号反相功能和包络跟随功能的直流耦合乐器输入接口
✿ 功能丰富的环形调制效果器
✿ 可以循环触发的包络发生器和压控放大器
✿ 两块输出用压控放大器
✿ 带有可在音频信号和压控信号之间切换显示的检测仪表
✿ 与112db.com合作开发的效果器 – 功能强大的延迟效果器和混响效果器
✿ 可记录参数并重复播放的操纵杆
✿ 每个跳线点位具有三种衰减幅度的纯模拟电路跳线矩阵
✿ 可储存254种跳线预设
✿ 钢琴卷帘窗式音序器和步进式调制源
✿ DIN5规格MIDI输入及MIDI输出接口
✿ 两个可以自由分配信号的输出接口
✿ 耳机输出接口
✿ 尺寸:长309mm x 宽457mm x 高115mm (操纵杆处于中心点时的高度)
✿ 重量:3.9 kg
The SYNTRX II is the culmination of our analogue sound design circuits – two perfectly stable main oscillators with waveshapers, a modulation oscillator with 1V/oct tracking, a versatile multimode filter, supercharged external instrument inputs with an envelope follower, a unique, great-sounding ring modulator, a recordable joystick, built-in piano roll sequencer and stepped modulation sources, all arranged around our signature matrix mixer and topped off with powerful FX on our new DSP platform.
SYNTRX II合成器中的声音设计模拟电路是我们的封神之作 – 该设备内部配备有两块带有波形整形功能的主振荡器,可以生成稳定的音色;一块具备1V/oct音高跟随功能的调制用振荡器;一块功能丰富的多模式滤波效果器;带有包络跟随功能的外部乐器输入接口;一块功能独特且音质出色的环形调制效果器;一块可记录参数并重复播放的操纵杆;内置钢琴卷帘窗式音序器功能和步进式调制源功能的跳线矩阵。SYNTRX II中所有的音频模块都围绕着其标志性的矩阵混音器精心布局,再搭配上全新的数字信号处理平台, SYNTRX II已然成为音乐创新的精品利器。
Patch Notes|即刻上手
Audible patch examples & explanatory patch notes for the Erica Synths SYNTRX II, created by Andris Indāns - also known as Gas Of Latvia.
艺术家Andris Indāns为Erica Synths SYNTRX II创建了30多套风格迥异的预设,其中包括接线示意图以及详细的注解。预设合集会实时更新,联系客服索取即可
SYNTRX II非常出色,与SYNTRX第一代相比简直是脱胎换骨般的重生。我虽然很喜欢,同时也拥有EMS VCS3 和EMS Synthi AKS这类合成器,但是SYNTRX II在操作性和实验性方面已然青出于蓝。SYNTRX II 定能成为此刻,乃至未来的经典之作。
电子音乐与氛围音乐的先驱 - Jean Michel Jarre