Roland SP-404A Linear Wave Sampler 线性声波采样器
Roland SP-404A Linear Wave Sampler 线性声波采样器
Designed for live use, the SP-404A Linear Wave Sampler expands the sounds of the Roland AIRA TR-8 Rhythm Performer for a powerful combination of sample and percussive synthesis. The fast, hands-on approach of the acclaimed SP-series performance samplers is a perfect fit for the impressive rhythmic effects and iconic step-sequencer of the Roland AIRA TR-8.
SP-404A 线性声波采样器专为现场使用而设计,扩展了 Roland AIRA TR-8 节奏机的音色,实现了采样和打击乐合成的有效结合。备受赞誉的 SP 系列演奏采样器快速手动的操作方式,非常适合于 Roland AIRA TR-8 令人印象深刻的节奏效果和标志性的步进音序器。
All of the functions and features of the popular SP-404SX are contained in the SP-404A, including its distinctive 16-bit linear sampling, 29 onboard DSP effects, smooth FX switching, and 12 professional performance pads. Plus, a new library of sounds curated by sample-industry leader Loopmasters are provided via the included SD card.
SP-404A 具有畅销款 SP-404SX 的所有功能和特性,包括其独特的 16 位线性采样、29 种机载 DSP 效果、平滑的 FX 切换和 12 个专业的演奏垫。此外,还通过随附的 SD 卡提供由采样行业佼佼者 Loopmasters 出品的新音色库。
Whether used standalone or controlled by the TR-8, the SP-404A makes for an intuitive and inspiring addition to the AIRA range of performance instruments for DJs, musicians, and producers.
无论是独立使用还是由 TR-8 进行操控,SP-404A 以直观而鼓舞人心的方式为 DJ、音乐人和制作人带来了又一款 AIRA 系列的演奏乐器。
TR Sequencer Meets SP-Style Sampling
The SP-404A can be triggered from the TR-8 Rhythm Performer for powerful, integrated beat and sample production. Simply connecting a MIDI cable between the two gives you the ability to incorporate samples from the SP-404A and use them in conjunction with your drum patterns. Each of the TR-8’s 11 tracks can trigger a sample on the SP-404A, play a TR-8 sound, or both, enabling you to create interesting layers and accents. The TR-8 can trigger any sample from any of the multiple banks in the SP-404A, making it easy to access new sounds with a turn of the dial.
SP-404A 可通过 TR-8 鼓机触发,用于制作强劲的集成节拍和采样。只需接通两者之间的 MIDI 线缆,即可整合 SP-404A 中的采样并将它们与鼓模式结合使用。TR-8 共有 11 个音轨,每个都能在 SP-404A 上触发一个采样和/或播放一种 TR-8 音色,使您能够创作美妙的分层音色和重音。TR-8 可以触发 SP-404A 多个音色组中的任何一个采样,通过转动转盘便可轻松使用新音色。
Sample Scatter and Side Chain
By connecting the stereo output of the SP-404A to the TR-8’s external audio input, you can use the TR-8 as a sub-mixer and processor for the sampler. In this configuration, all samples played on the SP-404A can be effected using the powerful TR-8 Scatter feature to reverse, glitch, gate, truncate, stutter, and perform all manner of rhythmic variations from subtle to extreme, and all in perfect sync. The use of the external input also allows samples to be effected by the TR-8’s per-step Side Chain function—simply program a pattern with Side Chain in TR-REC Mode and access eight rhythmic ducking and gating effects.
通过将 SP-404A 的立体声输出与 TR-8 的外部音频输入连接起来,您可以使用 TR-8 作为采样器的子调音台和处理器。采用这项配置,SP-404A 上播放的所有采样都可使用强大的 TR-8 分散功能来产生,以反转、干扰、门限、截断、断续和执行各种形式的节奏变化,从细微到更全面,所有的一切都同步。使用外部输入也允许通过 TR-8 的按步侧链功能产生采样,只需使用 TR-REC 模式下的侧链即可编排模式,并使用八种有节奏的闪避和门限效果。
Sounds by Loopmasters
The SP-404A comes with nine banks of premium samples to get you started with sample looping. The sound library on the included SD card was created by Loopmasters, one of the world’s leading sample developers. The samples in the library have been designed specifically to complement the TR-8, but will work great in standalone applications.
SP-404A 自带九个音色组的高品质采样,可从采样循环开始。随附的 SD 卡上的音色库是由世界先进的采样开发商之一 Loopmasters 所制。库中的采样专为完善 TR-8 而设计,但也非常适合独立的应用。
Additional samples can be loaded via the SD Card slot, which supports SDHC card sizes up to 32 GB. Import WAV or AIFF audio files from your Mac or Windows computer using the dedicated software (available in the Downloads section), and then assign them to the SP-404A’s pads. The software is fast and easy to use, as it displays the SP-404A’s pads on screen, and it’s also possible to convert SP-404 format files for use in the SP-404A.
其他采样可通过 SD 卡槽(支持大小高达 32GB 的 SDHC 卡)进行加载。使用专用软件(可在“下载内容”部分找到)从您的 Mac 或 Windows 计算机导入 WAV 或 AIFF 音频文件,然后将它们分配给 SP-404A 的打击板。该软件运行快速且易于使用,因为它会在屏幕上显示 SP-404A 的打击板,还可将文件转换为可在 SP-404A 中使用的 SP-404 格式。
Instant Sampling
Sampling is not limited to the studio with the SP-404A. The built-in microphone allows for simple recording anytime and anywhere inspiration may strike, powered by AC or six AA batteries. Line inputs enable direct sampling from a mixer or external device, and a mic input is also available for sampling with an external microphone. And your sampled material always sounds great, thanks to the SP-404A’s high-quality, uncompressed WAV audio-capture format.
采样不限于使用 SP-404A 的录音室。内置的麦克风可供在产生灵感时随时随地轻松录制,由电源适配器或 6 节 AA 电池供电。Line 输入允许直接从调音台或外部设备进行采样,并且麦克风输入也可用于通过外部麦克风进行采样。由于 SP-404A 采用未压缩的高质量 WAV 音频采集格式,您的采样材料始终具有理想的音质。
Hands-On Performance
With its interactive loop and pattern sequencer controls, the SP-404A is made to be played. Take command with three non-slip control knobs and 12 rubber trigger pads, plus a Sub Pad for rapid-repeat triggering in real time. On dark stages or DJ booths, the SP-404A is an ideal live machine, as the clearly illuminated pads and bright LED screen ensure clear visibility as soon as you power on.
SP-404A 配备交互式回路和样本音序器控件,操控方便。通过三个非滑动式控制旋钮和 12 个橡胶触发垫,以及一个用于实时快速重复触发的 Sub Pad 来进行控制。在黑暗的舞台或 DJ 间,SP-404A 是理想的现场设备,因为显眼的发光打击板和明亮的 LED 屏幕让您打开设备便一目了然。
Extreme Effects
Your signature sounds can be sculpted at any time via the SP-404A’s 29 onboard DSP effects. Essentials include spacious reverbs and choruses plus lush filters and delays, and all provide seamless switching for smooth transitions while performing. There are also striking, performance-based effects on hand, including a voice transformer and a looper. The filter and isolator provide the ability to radically alter your sounds and transform them into all-new elements for reuse.
您可以随时通过 SP-404A 提供的 29 种板载 DSP 效果打造自己的标志性音色。基本效果包括宽广的混响和合唱,以及丰富的滤波和延迟,所有这些都能为演奏过程中的流畅过渡提供无缝切换。此外,还有震撼的演奏型效果,包括一个语音转换器和一个循环器。滤波器和隔离器能够从根本上改变音色并将它们转换为全新的元素以供重用。
Combined with a DJ mixer, the SP-404A can be used as a standalone effects processor. A unique “limiter” mode is used in 17 effects types to prevent overloading, ensuring stable sound with no unwanted sonic artifacts. This mode is especially effective for live DJ performances, safeguarding your sounds at critical moments.
SP-404A 与 DJ 调音台相结合,可用作独立的效果处理器。17 种效果使用独特的“限幅器”模式来防止过载,确保音色稳定并避免产生多余的杂音。这种模式对现场 DJ 演奏特别有效,在关键时刻可保护音色不失真。
Track Builder
The number of loops that the SP-404A can handle is practically endless, but this feature is only part of its immense power. Songs, jams, and tracks can be built in seconds thanks to the onboard Pattern Sequencer, which is specifically designed for real-time track creation. Optimized for live engagement, it features a powerful Quantize mode which includes shuffle feels for groove, swing, and movement. You can create patterns on the fly via the 99 available measures, and with continuous looping, the ability to layer, structure, and shape a track is available at your fingertips.
SP-404A 可以处理的回路数量几乎是无穷无尽的,但这只是其强大功能之一。乐曲、即兴演奏和音轨均可在几秒内制作完成,这得益于专为实时制作音轨而设计的板载样本音序器。它针对现场演奏进行了优化,带有强大的量子化模式,可提供律动、摇摆和移动的混搭感觉。您可以通过 99 种可用的小节快速创建样本,并且借助连续循环,您只需动动手指即可分层、组织和调节音轨。
You’re able to store 120 patterns (12 patterns x 10 banks) and recall them instantly. This lets you perform live sets exactly as you envision them, with the comfort of knowing that you always have the freedom to improvise. When you play back patterns, the LEDs surrounding the display flash with the pattern tempo, providing handy visual feedback during your live performances.
您能够存储并即时调用 120 种样本(12 种样本 x 10 个音色组)。因此,您可以按照自己预想的方式进行现场演奏,您知道自己随时能够即兴发挥。当您播放样本时,显示屏周围的 LED 灯会以该样本的速度闪烁,为您的现场演奏提供有用的视觉回授。